Welcome Alumni!

We're so happy to see you!   Please take some time to look around and explore our website!  

Use the black area at the top to log in and update your information.  If you don't have your login credentials, or run into any problems along the way, use the CLICK HERE! button to the right to send us an email. 
Enjoy your visit!

Donate your Talismans

We are currently working on a project to collect and digitize all volumes and all issues of the Talisman.

If you are willing to donated (or loan us) yours, please drop them off at the school between 7:30 and 3:00, or mail them to the school at the below address, making sure to address the package to the Towson High Alumni Assocation.  Please include your name, the year you graduated, and whether they are a donation or on loan.

If you would like to check our inventory to see if we already have the issues you are donating, click here or on the picture of the Talisman.

Donate your Graduation Program or Yearbook

We are looking for two Commencement Programs and one Yearbook for our archives! 

If you were in the class of 1991 or 2001 please check around your house to see if you can find your Commencement Program.   You can mail us the original or a photocopy, or you can email us a scan or a picture.  We'll be thankful regardless of the format!

And, although we appreciate all yearbook donations, we are looking for the 1986 yearbook in particular.  It is the only year we do not have!



    Update your Contact Information!

    Include your name, class, address,
    phone numbers and preferred email!

    The Fall 2024
    Newsnote is here !

    Click the Newsnote to read!


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